How Does Online Weight Loss Coaching Work?

You're considering losing weight, but you're not sure where to start. You could:

Try out the Keto diet your sister raves about, cut out all carbs and only drink water. Feel hungry and deprived all the time, and end up binging on pizza.

Enroll under your coworker who lost a ton of weight on Optavia. Realize too late it's a starvation diet, end up feeling faint and dizzy, and have to call 911.

Take notes from Kim Kardashian, eat nothing but tomatoes for a week. You do lose weight, but then gain it all back (plus more) when you finally give in to eating like a normal human again.

Or you could finally decide to avoid all crash diets and go it alone. Find a workout plan and nutrition plan to follow, but after a few months of feeling motivated, you fall off the wagon. You regain the weight you lost, and feel worse than before.

When it comes to weight loss, it's important to find a sustainable plan that works for you.

However, beyond finding a workout plan tailored to your fitness level and a nutrition plan that includes your favorite foods, weight loss requires behavior change to reach and maintain your results for your entire life.

That's where online weight loss coaching comes in.

Online weight loss coaching works by helping you set realistic goals and providing guidance and support along the way.

Coaches help you create a personalized plan based on your unique situation and needs. They also provide accountability and motivation, so you can stay on track with your weight loss goals.

What Does a Weight Loss Coach Do?

Many people think of coaches as being cheerleaders. Cheering you on and motivating you to pursue your health and fitness goals.

While we do encourage you to pursue your goals, this isn't entirely an accurate picture.

Think of us like project managers. Our job is to help you plan, execute, and stay on track with your weight loss goals.

Weight loss coaches have education and experience in nutrition, fitness, and psychology.

They will work with you to come up with personalized plans that are tailored to your individual situation.

They'll also provide professional support and accountability, so you can stay motivated and learn strategies to adhere to your weight loss programs.

What Is The Difference Between a Certified Personal Trainer and a Weight Loss Coach?

A certified personal trainer (CPT) is typically focus on helping you improve your physical fitness. They might give you a workout program to follow, and help you stay motivated to stick to your fitness goals.

Weight loss coaches, on the other hand, focus on helping you lose weight. Beyond personal training, we'll work with you to create a program that includes healthy eating strategies for losing weight.

While a personal trainer can only provide you with a workout routine, a coach can create a program that includes the strategies for nutrition, exercise, health promoting habits, and behavior change you need to reach your weight loss goals.

Beyond diet and exercise, a coach will address other health issues in your life including sleep habits, stress management, your relationship with food, body image, and more. They'll also ensure that the strategies you are using are appropriate for your busy life, which ultimately helps improve your consistency over time.

Can A Coach Help You Lose Weight?

Like blinders on a horse, a coach can help you focus on your goals and stay on track, even when the going gets tough.

A coach can also help you tune out all the noise from well-meaning friends, family, and the fitness industry, so you can make decisions that are best for you.

A weight loss coach can also help you pinpoint barriers you didn't recognize before. They can help you identify and work through issues such as stress eating, emotional eating, and a poor relationship with food.

Lastly, a well designed weight loss program can save you time and money on your fat loss journey by helping you avoid fad diets and develop healthy eating habits that last for life.

Do I Need A Coach To Lose Weight?

Not everyone needs a coach to lose weight, however many would really benefit from it. The truth is that the perfect weight loss plan on paper means nothing if you can't adhere to it. This is where a coach comes in.

You can have the perfect diet plan and the perfect workout plan, but if you aren't acting on those consistently, you won't be making progress.

At this point, check-ins with your weight loss coach allows you to get a professional look at your nutrition habits, your fitness, and your overall health.

A coach can help you make the lifestyle changes and develop the healthy habits needed to get you past your plateaus and keep you progressing towards your target weight - without taking extreme measures.

If you're struggling to lose weight on your own, or if you've tried crash diets in the past with no success, a coach can help.

How Do I Find A Good Weight Loss Coach?

When looking for a coach, it's important to find someone who is credentialed and has experience helping people lose weight. It's also important to find someone who you feel comfortable working with.

Treat this process just like you would hiring any other professional.

Do Your Research

Ask for referrals from friends or family and look for coaches who have credentials that are in line with your goals.

You can also read reviews of coaches online, or check out their social media presence and review their content to see if they seem like a good fit for you.

Ask Them Questions

Ask the coach about their coaching values and processes. Are they in line with your values and goals? Can you envision yourself teaming up with that coach?

Ask For Professional Referrals

If you find someone you trust but they aren't a good fit for your goals or have a full roster, don't be afraid to ask for a professional referral!

Professional coaches have a network of peers and may know someone who is the right fit for your needs.

Beware of Fake Weight Loss Coaches

Unfortunately, because the title "coach" is unregulated, there are many people out there who call themselves coaches but don't have the proper credentials or experience.

These fake coaches often use quick-fix solutions that are not sustainable, and can even be dangerous.

Avoid coaches who work for MLM (multi-level marketing) companies such as Beachbody, Optavia, Arbonne, and Herbalife.

These coaches are often more interested in making a commission on the products they sell than they are in helping you find the best resources to lose weight.

The Benefits to Hiring an Online Coach

While hiring a personal coach is certainly an investment, there are several benefits to hiring an online fitness coach for your weight loss goals that make up for the cost.

The personalization that you can receive from an online coach is unrivaled. Having a program developed specifically for you, based on your unique goals, lifestyle, and preferences feels priceless.

Being able to work one-on-one with a coach makes losing weight feel much easier because you have removed all the guesswork from the project. Aside from that, other benefits include:


One of the best things about working with an online fitness coach is that it is incredibly convenient. You don't have to meet in person at a designated time or commute to a specific location as you would with a personal trainer.

You can do online personal training or coaching from anywhere in the world. As long as you have an internet connection, it's like you have a personal trainer in your pocket.


Online coaching is also flexible. You can typically schedule coaching check-ins when it's convenient for you.

If you have a hectic schedule, online coaching gives you the flexibility to move workout sessions or workout from home as needed.

You can ensure that your weight loss program fits in with your family life and social life without causing more stress.


Hiring a coach online is often more affordable than hiring a traditional in-person coach.

Meeting with a fitness expert in person costs more because of the time and resources required.

With online coaching programs, you're only paying for the service, not the overhead.

Additionally, you are getting more services combined with a coach than you are with a personal trainer. With a coach, you are getting a nutrition professional, fitness professional, and behavior change professional all in one!

Hiring each of those professionals separately would be astronomically priced and inaccessible for most people.

How Much Does Weight Loss Coaching Cost?

Weight loss coaching varies throughout the fitness industry. On average it costs between $250 and $600 per month to hire a professional health coach.

The price will depend on the coach you work with, their credentials, the services they provide, and how often you meet.

Some coaches may offer discounts for long-term commitments or group coaching services.

While it's an investment, compared to MLM weight loss programs like Beachbody or Optavia, it is an affordably priced service.

Comparatively, a subscription to Beachbody's Shakeology and On Demand BOD + BODi retails for about $155 a month before tax and shipping. Beachbody coaches are not professional coaches and are not credentialed to act as so.

With Beachbody, you are essentially paying for cookie-cutter online exercise programs and a badly formulated supplement.

For $100 more a month, you could get a custom exercise program, nutrition guidance, and health promoting behavior change guidance from a professional coach. A bit more of an investment but with triple the value in service!

Optavia, on the other hand, costs between $400-450 a month just for the food. This diet program does not include exercise programs or professional coaching at all but costs the same as higher end coaches.

It's highly likely you could end up saving money if you chose to work with a professional coach over a food product distributor from Optavia.

When you compare the price of weight loss coaching with other services, it's clear that online coaching is a great value. You are getting expert guidance, accountability, and support for a fraction of the price of other programs.

Plus, you can be sure that you are getting quality service from a credentialed professional when you work with someone who has specific education and experience aligned with your goals.

Online Weight Loss Coaching FAQS

How Long Does Losing Weight Take?

The timeline and amount of weight you lose will depend on your individual situation and needs. Healthy weight loss can generally happen at a rate of half a pound to one pound per week.

However you may need more time to build muscle or develop eating habits that promote long term health and help you to maintain your weight loss results.

Your online weight loss coach will help you develop a plan that is tailored to your individual goals and timeline.

Is There a Need For Weight Loss Supplements?

Most weight loss coaches will recommend lifestyle and dietary changes first and foremost. However, in some cases, supplements may be recommended.

However, be wary of coaches who recommend supplements as the foundation to a weight loss program. There is no single product that is necessary for weight loss. Supplements should supplement a program, and recommending them otherwise is a red flag.


MyFITNESSPAL is a free app that can be used to track calories. Some coaches may recommend using myFITNESSPAL to track your food intake, while others may not.

This will depend on your individual goals and needs. If you feel comfortable tracking your food intake, then myFITNESSPAL can be a helpful tool.

If you prefer not to track your food intake, that's ok too! Your coach will work with you to use other diet strategies without calorie counting.

Should I Consult a Dietician For Weight Loss?

A registered dietitian can be a great asset on your health and fitness journey. They can help you understand the science of food and show you healthy eating strategies.

Some online weight loss coaches are registered dietitians, while others are not. The primary difference between a registered dietitian and other nutrition professionals is that registered dietitians are licensed to work in a clinical capacity and can offer medical nutrition therapy.

This is a good option for those who want more personalized nutrition attention to treat a health condition such as diabetes or heart disease.

Not everyone needs to see a registered dietitian for weight loss, but if you have a health condition that requires special attention, it may be something to consider.

Are Diet Coaches Worth It?

There is no one right answer to this question. Some people do great with weight loss programs that don't include professional coaching, while others find it to be life changing.

It is certainly helpful to have someone help guide you through the process. It is also helpful to have a set of objective eyes on the project to ensure you aren't self-sabotaging or engaging in disordered behaviors that could harm your health.

If you're struggling to lose weight on your own, or you're not sure how to make changes to your eating habits and exercise routine that will last, a weight loss coach is absolutely a worthwhile investment.


Online weight loss coaching can provide you with the guidance, accountability, and support you need to lose weight in a healthy way.

The most important thing to remember is to be sure to ask about their credentials, experience, and philosophy on weight loss. These factors will help you determine if the coach is a good fit for you and your goals.

If you're ready to make a change and invest in your health, online weight loss coaching could be the answer you're looking for.

Brittany Morgon

Brittany Morgon is an evidence-based nutrition and fitness coach, dog-mom, food science nerd, and pizza connoisseur helping people to break free from MLM schemes and achieve their sustainable weight loss goals.

Click here to learn more.


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